Book and thesis
A self-regulation perspective on L2 grit development and its impact on language achievement Language Teaching Research 2024/10
Revalidation of the L2-Grit scale: A conceptual replication of Teimouri, Y., Plonsky, L., & Tabandeh, F. (2022). L2 grit: Passion and perseverance for second-language learning Language Teaching,pp.1-16 2024/04
A preliminary assessment of facilitating anxiety in second language reading Reading in a Foreign Language 35 (1),pp.30-47 2023/04
Cheating in extensive reading: Myth or reality? SAGE Open 13 (2),pp.1-13 (Co-authored) 2023/04
Positive psychology broadens readers’ attentional scope during L2 reading: Evidence from eye movements Frontiers in Psychology 10 2019/10
Reading anxiety scales: Do they measure the same construct? Reading in a Foreign Language 31 (2),pp.249-268 2019/10
The Threshold of Anxiety in Low-Stakes Testing for Foreign Language Reading Reading in a Foreign Language,pp.92-107 2018/04
Psychological Attributes in Foreign Language Reading: An Explorative Study of Japanese College Students The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal 16 (1),pp.49-62 2016/04
Motivation as a Link Between Grammatical Readiness and L2 Oral Proficiency Development During a Study-Abroad Program Language Education & Technology 51 (51),pp.111-140 2014/11
Extramural L2 contact in a study-abroad learning context Language Education & Technology Journal of Central Japan 25,pp.53-62 2014/03
Readiness, Language Contact and L2 Oral Proficiency Development During a One-Semester Study-Abroad Program JACET Journal 58 (58),pp.79-98 2014/03
Study-abroad experience, motivation and autonomy in L2 oral proficiency: an exploratory research of JEFL students Language Education & Technology Journal of Central Japan 24,pp.1-14 2013/03
Unintentional Plagiarism in the Japanese EFL Context: Basic Data for Future Plagiarism Education Proceedings of Pacific Second Language Research Forum 2016,pp.139-144 2017/03