Book and thesis
Statistical analysis of ballistic propagation distance in edge turbulence Plasma and Fusion Research 9,pp.1203044-1-1203044-3 2014
Ballistic propagation of turbulence front in tokamak edge plasmas PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 54 (12),pp.125001 (10pp) 2012/12
Bohm-like Dependence of Transport in Scrape-off Layer Plasmas JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 81 (4),pp.044501-1-044501-8 2012/04
Three-dimensional Turbulence Simulation of Edge Transport and Impact of Plasma Rotation JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 81 (3),pp.034502-1-034502-7 2012/03
Etude par Simulation Numérique du Transport Radial dans le Plasma de Bord d'un Tokamak Ph.D Thèse, Universite d'Aix-Marseille I 2011/11
Simulation Study on Radial Transport in Tokamak Scrape-off Layer Ph.D Thesis, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University 2011/03
Interchange Turbulence and Radial Transport in Tokamak Scrape-Off Layer Dominated by Meso Scale Structure JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 79 (4),pp.044502-1-044502-8 2010/04
Study of Radial Particle Transport Accompanied with Plasma Blob and Self-organized Meso-scale Structure in Tokamak Scrape-off Layer Proceedings of the 23rd International Atomic Energy Agancy (IAEA), Fusion Energy Conference (2010),pp.THD/P3-07 (6pp.) 2010
Nonlinear Effect on the Plasma Blob Propagation in the Scrape-off Layer Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan 57,pp.207-215 2009
Nonlinear Simulation of Plasma Blob Formation and Radial Propagation in the Scrape-off Layer Reports of Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University 136,pp.1-18 2009
Nonlinear Simulation of Plasma Blob Formation and Radial Propagation in the Scrape-off Layer Master Thesis, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University 2008/03
Propagation velocity analysis of a single blob in the SOL Plasma and Fusion Research 3,pp.040-1-040-3 2008