Book and thesis
Women's experiences of labor, surgery and first postnatal week by an emergency cesarean section. Journal of Japan Academy of Midwifery 22 (1),pp.37-48 2008
Women's experiences of labor, surgery and first postnatal week by an emergency cesarean section. Journal of Japan Academy of Midwifery 22 (1),pp.37-48 2008
Fathers' feelings and thoughts when their partners require an emergency cesarean section: impact of need for surgery. Japan Journal of Nursing Science 4,pp.103-110 2007
Fathers' feelings and thoughts when their partners require an emergency cesarean section: impact of need for surgery. Japan Journal of Nursing Science 4,pp.103-110 2007
Maternity aqua in sports club and midwife's role on medical check. The Japanese Journal for Midwives 61 (3),pp.236-241 2006
The recognizing process of "starting over as a mother" whose delivered live baby under emergency caesarean section: The qualitative analysis of women's subjective experiences during the first week postpartum. Japanese Journal of Maternal Health 46 (4),pp.617-624 2006
Case report on a woman's birth and the first week postnatal experiences by emergency cesarean section after transfer. The Japanese Journal for Midwives 59 (2),pp.160-168 2005
The contributed factors to women's traumatic experiences in delivery by emergency caesarean section: Analysis based on perception of birth experiences during the first week post surgery. Japanese Journal of Maternal Health 45 (4),pp.432-438 2005
Acute stress reactions of women after emergency caesarean section: The analysis of birth and the first week post surgery experiences. Journal of Japan Academy of midwifery 18 (1),pp.37-48 2004