Book and thesis
Derecognition of Financial Assets: Basis and Path of Accounting Standards Settings (Sole-authored) 2023/08/30
Challenge Accounting (Co-authored) 2023/03/11
Startup Financial Management and Accounting (Co-authored) 2020/04/10
Accounting Standards for Consolidation of Special Purpose Entities (Sole-authored) 2015/03/06
The Basis of the Risk-Rewards Criteria and Linked Presentation on Accounting Standards for Derecognition of Assets under UK GAAP 37 (1/2),pp.35-58 (Sole-authored) 2023/06
The Basis of Risk and Rewards Criteria on Accounting Standards for Derecognition of Financial Assets under early stage of IASC's Financial Instruments Project The inquiry into industry and economics (5),pp.1-16 (Sole-authored) 2022/07
A Review of the Accounting Standards for Derecognition of Financial Assets under the Japanese GAAP Accounting & Audit Journal (801),pp.76-82 (Sole-authored) 2022/04
The Basis of the introduced financial components approach for derecognition of financial assets under U.S. GAAP: An Analysis of the Meeting Materials on the Financial Accounting Standards Board The Inquiry into Industry and Economics (4),pp.1-17 (Sole-authored) 2021/07
A Case Study of the Real Discretion Caused Amendment of Consolidation Policy for Certain Special Purpose Entities under Japanese GAAP The Inquiry into Industry and Economics (3),pp.1-23 (Sole-authored) 2020/06
A Quantitative Analysis on the Real Discretion Resulted from Amendment of the Consolidated Accounting Standard for Special Purpose Entities under Japanese GAAP The Journal of the College of Business Administration and Information Science 33 (1/2),pp.57-65 (Sole-authored) 2019/06
The Basis of the Introduction of Financial Components Approach into Accounting Standard for Derecognition of Financial Assets under Japanese GAAP: An Analysis of the Meeting Process of Accounting Standards Settings on Business Accounting Deliberation Council The Journal of the College of Business Administration and Information Science 30 (1/2),pp.107-123 (Sole-authored) 2016/06
A Study on Amendment of the Consolidation Relief for Certain Special Purpose Entities under Japanese GAAP The Journal of Research Institute for Industry and Economics (23),pp.135-152 (Sole-authored) 2013/03
Real Discretion from Amendment of the Consolidation Relief for Certain Special Purpose Entities under Japanese GAAP The Journal of the College of business administration and information Science 27 (1/2),pp.119-137 (Sole-authored) 2013/03
Value Relevance of Return on Eqity: Empirical Evidence from Japanese Listed Companies The Journal of Business Analysis (27),pp.23-29 (Co-authored) 2011/03
Derecognition of Financial Assets under International Financial Reporting Standards: Interaction with Consolidation Special Purpose Entities. Bulletin of Japanese Association for International Accounting Studies (FY2009),pp.87-98 (Sole-authored) 2010/03
Usefulness of Comprehensive Income in Profitability Indicator The Journal of Kyoto Sangyo University, Social Science Series (27),pp.207-226 (Co-authored) 2009/12
Emprical Study on the Usefulness of Comprehensive Income in Japan Kyoto Management Review (14),pp.43-56 (Co-authored) 2008/12
International convergence of Accounting Standards: Issues on the Exceptional Treatments for Certain Special Purpose entities ASU Business Review (11),pp.61-71 (Sole-authored) 2008/12
A Study on the Accounting Standards for Consolidation of Special Purpose Entities Ph.D. Dissertation, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto Sangyo University (Sole-authored) 2007/09
(Note) Comparative Study of the Consolidation Accounting Standards for Special Purpose Entities under U.S. GAAP, IAS/IFRS and Japanese GAAP The Journal of Kyoto Sangyo University, Social Science Series (24),pp.153-180 (Sole-authored) 2007/03
The Consolidation Rules for Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) under the Japanese GAAP kyoto Management Review (9),pp.61-76 (Sole-authored) 2006/06
The Consolidated Financial Accounting Standards for Special Purpose Entities under the International Financial Reporting Standards Kyoto Management Review (7),pp.67-82 (Sole-authored) 2005/07
Securitization and the Consolidated Financial Accounting Standards for Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) under U.S GAAP Kyoto Management Review (6),pp.117-131 (Sole-authored) 2004/12