Professor (7 people)
Professor (7 people)
1 |
Intelligent informatics |
2 |
Biomaterials, Biomedical engineering, Neuroscience-general, Neuroscience-general, Intelligent informatics |
3 |
4 |
Nonlinear Physics |
5 |
6 |
Learning support system, Intelligent robotics, Intelligent informatics |
7 |
知能情報処理, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition |
Designated Professor (1 people)
Designated Professor (1 people)
1 |
Mathematical Science |
Associate Professor (7 people)
Associate Professor (7 people)
1 |
Computational science, Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics |
2 |
Human Robot Interaction |
3 |
Biomedical engineering, Cell biology, Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics, Physiology, Biophysics |
4 |
検査技術科学, 分子生物学, Cell biology, Molecular biology, Pathology |
5 |
Computational Neuroscience, Soft computing, Intelligent informatics |
6 |
Politics, History of thought, Legal theory and history |
7 |
音楽人類学, 民族学 |
Senior Assistant Professor (4 people)
Senior Assistant Professor (4 people)
1 |
Perceptual information processing |
2 |
オペレーションズ・リサーチ |
3 |
Laboratory animal science, Plant molecular biology and physiology, System genome science |
4 |
発育発達, 運動生理学 |
Designated Senior Assistant Professor (2 people)
Designated Senior Assistant Professor (2 people)
1 |
Intelligent informatics, Statistical science, Linguistics, Cognitive science |
2 |
Basic mathematics |
Assistant Professor (1 people)
Assistant Professor (1 people)
1 |
Complex Systems, Applied Mathematics, Neuroscience |
Designated Assistant Professor (1 people)
Designated Assistant Professor (1 people)
1 |
Basic mathematics, Applied mathematics and statistics, Mathematical analysis |